Khortytsa Distillery is the most high-tech distillery in Eastern Europe. The plant features a unique design and is equipped with the best equipment from the world leaders of technological support of food industry enterprises. REHAU engineering systems, GRUNDFOS pumps, TOYOTA forklifts, and highly reliable ITAL PROJECT bottling lines ensure the accuracy of every operation, from careful dosing and sealing to quality labeling and date marking. In 2003, the first bottle of vodka came off the assembly line.

Global Spirits - one of the world leaders in alcohol production

In connection with the military aggression, on February 24, 2022, the Global Spirits holding revoked the license for the production and distribution of alcoholic products on the Russian market.

In 2014, Rosspozhivnagdyad imposed sanctions on Global Spirits brands with a ban on their supply.

In connection with the improper use of Global Spirits brands, the company filed a lawsuit in Cyprus. The court ruling prohibits the production and sale of Global Spirits brands on the Russian market.